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When a CLIP thread needs to do nothing for a given time, or wants to run intermittently but doesn't want to waste system resources by running in a small loop, it can call a sleep function. The sleep function will suspend the thread for the specified time. During this time the thread will consume no system resources. When the thread is woken it is added to the system 'executable' stack, where it will be rescheduled along with all of the other system threads.

Although the sleep time is specified in milliseconds, the accuracy of the wake will depend on the underlying operating system and the threads priority.

Eg. In a Microsoft Windows environment there is an inherent system time-slice of 40ms. Thus if a 1ms sleep where to be requested, the operating system would wake the thread anything between 1 and 40ms later depending on the system load and other running tasks.


The ClpSleep function will suspend the thread for the specified time

Uns ClpSleep( Uns sleepfor );


Time for the process to sleep in milliseconds.


This function will return TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise.


Uns AppCct_NonCriticalThrdElem::Process()
   Uns success = TRUE;
   Uns elemNum = this->ElemNum();

   while ( success )
      ClpDiag( "NonCritical Thread %d: Processing\n", elemNum );

      success = DoNonCriticalStuff();

      if ( success )
         ClpSleep( 2500 );

   ClpDiag( "NonCritical Thread %d: Exiting\n", elemNum );

   return success;