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Creating Definitions

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A valid Blueprint application will always consist of at least one of each of the following definitions:

These need not belong to the same Blueprint library but if they are located in separate Blueprint libraries then all of them must be linked into the application executable.

When you create a project using the Blueprint Library Wizard, it is populated with an empty circuit definition, a container that instantiates that definition and a colony with an autonomous process that references the instance.  However, the stages involved in creating these items are are still included below for completeness and typically an application will consist of many additional circuits.

Creating a Circuit Definition

The process of adding and populating a circuit definition consists of the following steps: 

  1. Creating a new CDL definition file
  2. Adding a Definition Object (Circuit)
  3. Adding Primitives and Circuit Instances to a Definition
  4. Connecting Objects Within a Definition
  5. Defining a Circuit's Public Interface 

Creating a Container Definition

The process of adding and populating a container definition consists of the following steps: 

  1. Creating a new CDL definition file
  2. Adding a Definition Object (Container)
  3. Adding Primitives and Circuit Instances to a Definition (Primitives are not allowed in a container)
  4. Connecting Objects Within a Definition

Creating a Colony Definition

The process of adding and populating a colony definition consists of the following steps: 

  1. Creating a new CDL definition file
  2. Adding a Definition Object (Colony)
  3. Creating An Autonomous Process (for information on distributed processes see Creating Colonies)
