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Fundamental Concepts

Glossary Item Box


To use CLIP effectively, there are a small number of key concepts that you need to be familiar with:

Heavy vs. Light-Weight Execution

How is code executed concurrently?  What are the benefits of each execution type?  How do you decide which execution type is appropriate?

Data Management and Arbitration

How is data exchanged between active nodes?  What is the difference between transient and persistent data?  How is persistent data arbitrated?

Fundamental Event Operations

An introduction to basic event branching and merging operations

A Closer Look at Events

What is a CLIP event?  How are events generated and consumed?  What information do they carry?

Accessing CLIP from Regular Threads

How are events consumed by an external thread?  What's the difference between call-back functions and interfaces?

Writing Portable Devices

Why segregate code in a device object?  How are devices used by methods and threads?

Workspace and State

What are workspace and state?  How do you choose whether to use state or workspace?

Arrays of Objects

An introduction to the notation for arrays and the implications of using array objects and connections