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Programmer's Guide

Glossary Item Box


This section provides an introduction to the Blueprint toolset, and assumes some familiarity with the CDL Visual Programming Language and the CORE runtime (see Getting Started).  It also provides more detail of CDL and CORE, mainly through examples.  Once familiar with this section, the Example Projects section provides complete end- to-end, step-by-step examples, and the Programmer's Reference gives detailed information for programmers developing their own applications.

Understanding The Symbolism

An introduction to the CDL symbolism and the language semantics.

Avoiding Typical Problems

A discussion of the common bugs that tend to arise in concurrent systems and how to avoid them.

User Code

This section describes where to put your textual processing code, how to define store data structures and how to override initialization and other event handlers.

Data Objects

This section describes the various storage mechanisms support by Blueprint applications.

Common Programming Patterns

Programming patterns are commonly used snippets of infrastructure code that provide specific functionality such as routing, looping or service provision.

Programming Distributed Applications

This section introduces the additional topics required to program and optimize distributed applications.

Runtime Services

Runtime services introduces the facilities provided by the runtime.

Advanced Topics

This section covers less commonly used programming techniques.