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Trigger Connections

Glossary Item Box


Trigger connections deliver events to methods and call-back functions and are actually just a special case of automatic connections.  Requests are automatically issued along trigger connections at startup (when the containing circuit is activated), and after return from each subsequent execution.  Each time the trigger connection's event tree is populated, an event is issued along the connection to the consuming object (method or call-back).  This causes the the method/call-back to execute and the user code can then use the connection's access functions to manipulate the populated event tree (see Access Functions).  When the user code returns, the trigger connection's event tree is automatically closed and another request automatically issued.

Trigger Connection Types

Trigger connections are created by the translator and references to them returned by their access functions.  Trigger connections have Automatic connection 'types' and these are determined by their providing object types.  CDL supports the following automatic connection types, each with their own member functions.  Note that automatic connection member functions are a subset of their manual equivalents.


Arbitrated store, automatic connection


Transient store, automatic connection


Counting semaphore, automatic connection


Logical semaphore, automatic connection


Collector, automatic connection


Competer, automatic connection


Distributor, automatic connection


Demultiplexor, automatic connection


Multiplexor, automatic connection


Reducer, automatic connection


Splitter, automatic connection

Trigger Connection Attributes

Trigger connection attributes are fixed at connection time and can be thought of as falling into two categories.  Firstly there are those attributes that apply to the provider, and different providers will require different attributes.  Secondly there are those attributes that apply to the consumer.   Trigger connections only apply to methods and call-backs and and they both have the following attributes.


This attribute determines whether the connection will poll or block (see Connection Timeout).


This attribute is a string that describes the mapping from elements in the consumer, to elements in the provider.  See Connection Signature.


This attribute determines the connection's 'name' which is used to construct access function names (see Connection Names).

The nodal objects section of this documentation lists each nodal object's particular providing and/or consuming attributes.


See Trigger Connections.