Connective Logic Systems
BLUEPRINT Developer Zone
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Report a BLUEPRINT Bug

You can use the following form to report a BLUEPRINT bug to us. To help us diagnose the problem and resolve it for you as quickly as possible, please refer to the instructions for each section and provide us with the most complete information that you can.

1. Software Version (mandatory) - Please provide the three-part version number for the software that you have installed (e.g. 1.4.1044). You can find your BLUEPRINT version number by opening the release notes, which are available from the BLUEPRINT program group on the start menu.
2. Reproduction Instructions (mandatory) - We need a precise set of instructions to enable us to reproduce the bug that you have encountered, on our systems. Depending on the complexity of your project it may be easier to attach an example project rather than describing how to reproduce the bug from scratch. If you choose to attach a project then please describe how to get from loading the project to the reproduction of the bug.

These instructions should state exactly what you observed at each stage and where applicable how this differs from what you expected to see. If error messages were observed then please include the full text from all such messages as this will help us greatly in determining the location of the fault.

If the problem manifests itself at runtime, then any diagnostics generated by the runtime should also be included. Ideally, all diagnostics should be logged to file, and instructions for enabling this feature are described in the DevZone Library documentation; go to Blueprint/Programmers’ Reference/Services/Diagnostics.

Please do not omit certain details because they appear to be not relevant as they can often provide important clues.
3. Your Email (Optional) - If you would like to request to be kept informed of the outcome of this bug then please fill in your details here. If you choose to submit anonymously and there is insufficient information to reproduce your problem then regrettably we can not include your bug report in our database:
4. Attachment (Optional) - If you have multiple files then please archive them in a ZIP file and attach the ZIP file to this bug:
5. Submit - Click the submit button to send us your bug report:
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